A true mid-century gem in the Hollywood Hills, reimagined with a modern-day aesthetic.
An exercise in the fusion of mid-century architectural charm and contemporary minimalism. The resulting aesthetic is as rich as it is bold, and intentionally paired-back in its edit. High contrast color palettes and tactile materials bring warmth and approachability to the interiors. Custom furniture designs marry seamlessly with vintage curated items from the era, bringing a moody allure to each space.
At the heart of this project is the art story – a nod to both the clients’ and interior designer’s heritage, all featured artists in the home share an Armenian descent. The artwork intentionally showcases a rich and ancient cultural history, seen through a modern lens.
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Adrienne Qasabian
Interior design, decoration, and styling, including custom millwork design, custom furniture design, vintage furniture curation, art curation, accessories curation, FF+E budgeting, procurement and installation.